Skinny Skier Press

Wanderings of a freelance photographer

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Images from the 2014 Johnson MS Bike Tour

Wow, what a fantastic weekend we had for this year's ride.  A new route, two days of sunshine and tailwinds, catching up with old friends and making new ones.  To top it all off, over 2 million dollars was raised to support MS research and families living with MS.

8 volunteer photographers from Images Alberta Camera Club gathered images for the MS Society.  We did not produce the slide show for Saturday's supper this year so we are posting the images to our own galleries as well as sending them to the MS Society.  Watch for your email from the MS Society following the ride.  There should be a link to their photo gallery of the images.

My photos have been posted to: 

The following list will update as the other photographers send me their links:

Greg Campbell Photography:

Meanwhile, here is a small sample from my gallery:

  Find the rest at : 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Preparing for this weekend's Leduc/Camrose MS Bike Tour

Riders, check back here for a link to my photos from last weekend.  There should be a live link by Tuesday.  Thanks.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tulips In The Rain

Afternoon   thundershowers   have  stripped 
some of our older tulips of their petals making 
for a unflattering photograph of the tulip bed.  
The rain and wind created havoc trying to get
 a crisp focus.

I opted for this soft abstract for today's garden image. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Morning Tulips

This week's tulips
 in the front garden 
show off their 
colours as they 
slowly open their 
petals as if shifting 
their bed sheets to 
great a new day.
Morning Glow

Cotton Candy
Slowly opening to greet the morning

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Afternoon Flight with Edmonton Flying Club

Micheal ready for takeoff
Last Saturday Images Alberta Camera Club had an outing at Edmonton Flying Club.  We spent the morning with one of their staff photographing a variety of their small aircraft on the tarmac.  After lunch, David, Micheal and I snagged one of their $100 introductory flights.  We flew east out to Beverly bridge where we were able to see the new bridge being built for the North East Anthony Hendy freeway.  From there, we banked west and followed the river past downtown and the U of A. A quick pass to West Edmonton Mall and then back to the city center airport.

Tire is still there -  as we pass over Rundle Park

Micheal catching downtown from his rearseat

David 'shotgunning' between the propeller sweeps

University Of Alberta

Hawrelak Park

It was a great day and the price of the aircraft split two or three ways was a great finish.  I will have to look at this again in the fall when the trees are changing colour.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Muttart Conservatory - Desert Moon

I have just finished submitting my image choices to the Muttart Conservatory's Shutter Bug contest.  The rules called for the images to be un-edited so I was unable to use this image taken in the Arid Pavilion on a late winter afternoon.  The sun was low on the horizon and just barely shone through the glass but it created a glow on the cacti needles.  I underexposed the scene when I shot it to capture that glow and to preserve the shadows while eliminating some background that was much darker.  The moon was added in post production to provide a visual light source to explain the 'night glow'.

Framing and text added as PS3 layers

Monday, September 10, 2012

On The Edge - Salmon Glacier

From my 'On The Edge' series of landscape shots. Taken above Salmon Glacier, north of Stewart B.C. / Hyder Alaska.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Select Images From MS Bike Tour

Saturday Morning Start Line
A wetter Start on Sunday
Heading into the wind
Best Costumes - A real pair of Mooovers
Heather coping with the rain
Hey Dad! We can stop pedaling now!
Finish Line Smiles
Waiting For Mom!

6 Photographers, 2000 Images, 3 hours to showtime?  No Sweat!,Well a little but at 4pm we had our show ready for the evening banquet.  Thanks Crew!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Canada Day Fireworks and Midway at Edmonton

A variety of shutter speeds and light settings capturing a few of the tens of thousands who attended the Canada Day Fireworks display and midway in Millwoods, Edmonton

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Prairie Postcards - Windmill and Weather

Against the wind and time, this farmstead weathers another storm.