Skinny Skier Press

Wanderings of a freelance photographer

Monday, April 12, 2010

Frosted Veil

A warm late fall followed by a hard freeze and snow left most treees with a full load of leaves in November.  The next week we had heavy fogs through the mornings that left this aspen in Elk Island National Park bearing a fine frosted veil of leaves.

This image was a 2nd place winner in the Medium Print category in January.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Aspens In The Wind - First Place

I was thrilled to have two of my images place in the Medium Format Print category in January.  This one was a 3 way tie for 1stt but I will take it!

This shot of an aspen grove in Waterton National Park was taken last summer following a workshop at the Waterton Wildflower Festival.  Our instructor, Paul Gilbert,  had been talking about the power of lines and patterns and breaks in patterns.  I felt that this stand of aspen are on the Red Rock Canyon Road worked with those prinicples.. 

I wasn't pleased with the initial photograph because I felt the wind had created too much movement and caused a loss of sharpness inthe image.  After I did a little sharpening and a touch of selective dodging to bring out the light in the trunks and grasses, I was much happier accepting the motion  - and focused on the cause in the title.