Skinny Skier Press

Wanderings of a freelance photographer

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Muttart Conservatory - Desert Moon

I have just finished submitting my image choices to the Muttart Conservatory's Shutter Bug contest.  The rules called for the images to be un-edited so I was unable to use this image taken in the Arid Pavilion on a late winter afternoon.  The sun was low on the horizon and just barely shone through the glass but it created a glow on the cacti needles.  I underexposed the scene when I shot it to capture that glow and to preserve the shadows while eliminating some background that was much darker.  The moon was added in post production to provide a visual light source to explain the 'night glow'.

Framing and text added as PS3 layers

Monday, September 10, 2012

On The Edge - Salmon Glacier

From my 'On The Edge' series of landscape shots. Taken above Salmon Glacier, north of Stewart B.C. / Hyder Alaska.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Select Images From MS Bike Tour

Saturday Morning Start Line
A wetter Start on Sunday
Heading into the wind
Best Costumes - A real pair of Mooovers
Heather coping with the rain
Hey Dad! We can stop pedaling now!
Finish Line Smiles
Waiting For Mom!

6 Photographers, 2000 Images, 3 hours to showtime?  No Sweat!,Well a little but at 4pm we had our show ready for the evening banquet.  Thanks Crew!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Canada Day Fireworks and Midway at Edmonton

A variety of shutter speeds and light settings capturing a few of the tens of thousands who attended the Canada Day Fireworks display and midway in Millwoods, Edmonton

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Prairie Postcards - Windmill and Weather

Against the wind and time, this farmstead weathers another storm.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Prairie Postcards - The Old School House

The Old Brick School House

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Catching The Action

Last weekend seven members of Images Alberta Camera Club volunteered with the M.S. Society and provided photography services.  We spent two days following the 2000 riders on their 190 KM return trek from Leduc to Camrose on Saturday and returning Sunday.  

As I was photographing the teams in the starting queue I caught this young man photographing his father in the starting line on his i-pad.  I just liked the concept of the picture within a picture and I may use this image in an upcoming article about phonography and alternative cameras in an upcoming issue of Imagery.  Imagery is the Images Alberta Camera Club newsletter and it can be found at 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Spring at Muttart Conservatory

Spring at Muttart Conservatory

Picnic Time

 Daffodils, tulips and lilies filled 
the feature pavilion with  the colours 
and smells of all that is fresh and 
right with spring.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

When The Weather Gives You Snow......

When the world gives you lemons, make lemonade.  When the weather gives you snow.....and you lose light and shadows,  think minimalism.

After our camera club outing to shoot (mostly indoors) at the Ukrainian Cultural Village, I made a detour into Elk Island National Park to create a few new winter images. No glowing sunsets, no shadows, and the elk were so far back into the falling snow that the image is too grainy to use. Instead, I used the low visibility to create a couple of simpler compositions that I feel express the weather.

Snow Blind 2
The low visibility created ghostly backstops to this tree along lake shore

Winter Is No Picnic
  Snow falling and heavy overcast flattens the light and made walking hard as I could not see contours on the surface very well. That lack of detail makes a simple image that enhances a feeling of isolation. Certainly there was little of signs of other`s to this lakeside viewpoint.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Silver Skate Festival Feb 17 - 20

Here's an upcoming outing with Images Alberta Camera Club Feb 18&19.  
Check out the speed skaters, outdoor activities, snow sculptures, Fire Dancers and more!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ukrainian Village with Images Alberta Camera Club

Images Alberta Camera Club has an upcoming 
outing to Ukrainian Village.  In preparation, 
I was reviewing some of past year's shots. 
Here are a few of my favourites. - for today!

All of the images were processed using Adobe Lightroom 3 and plug-in presets
from OnOne software (free download).  The collage was assembled in Adobe
Photoshop CS3. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Alberta Youth Robotics - First Lego League

Last weekend I had the privilege to volunteer with the Alberta Youth Robotics Society for their First Lego League championships. 

Teams build and program an autonomous robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS technology to score
points in 2.5-minute matches on a themed playing field.

More to come - here's a first draft of the fun from the day.

Click the arrow to start the show - view in this window as the resolution does not support full screen

Winter Feast

From a winter hike along the Trans-Canada trail in Fort Smith NWT...
an overcast day that carried into the night and obscured any chance 
of catching the northern lights. 

Red Polls(?) picking seeds.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wait and they will come.

  Highway 16 east of Japer has  two areas where the sheep come down to drink - or to lick the salt from the roadway and vehicles that stop to check them out.  I photographed this ram at the end of October using my Sigma 80-400 OS lense from my vehicle.  We waited on a roadside pullout and just let them wander up and down the shoulder until the light was right and we got the poses we wanted.  Patience paid off today before the rain came.       
  copyright Fred Rushworth 2010

Fort Edmonton Christmas Lights Outing

Fort Edmonton runs a Christmas Lights tour in mid December.  The stores and buildings in the 1912 block are lit and have Christmas displays.  A young visitor stops to enjoy this teddy bear emporium.