Skinny Skier Press

Wanderings of a freelance photographer

Friday, June 29, 2012

Prairie Postcards - The Old School House

The Old Brick School House

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Catching The Action

Last weekend seven members of Images Alberta Camera Club volunteered with the M.S. Society and provided photography services.  We spent two days following the 2000 riders on their 190 KM return trek from Leduc to Camrose on Saturday and returning Sunday.  

As I was photographing the teams in the starting queue I caught this young man photographing his father in the starting line on his i-pad.  I just liked the concept of the picture within a picture and I may use this image in an upcoming article about phonography and alternative cameras in an upcoming issue of Imagery.  Imagery is the Images Alberta Camera Club newsletter and it can be found at 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012
